Back to Pasta Party
The Pasta Farewell Party was held after the Basta Pasta Week . For the records here is Matteo's report:
To begin with, let me tell you that there will not be BPPs for a while. To celebrate that, however, we were considerating a Basta Basta Pasta Parties Party, but since it is too hard to read (even for Italians), we will just take a break from social events for a while. It goes without saying, of course, that we are willing to join anybody's else social event.
Here goes the actual report: 12 different sauces, 15 pounds of pasta (almost 7 Kgs).
Thanks to all the partecipants, in particular the ones who brought drinks, wine or sauces:
- Zucchine al curry, Zucchinis and curry (Anna)
- Puttanesca, Whorean (?) (Lucio)
- Peperonata, Pepperonate (Franceschina)
- Prosciutto e Piselli, Ham and Pees
- Oriental Squash, Oriental Squash (Carmen)
- Salmone, Salmon (Alessio Franco Carlo)
- Livornese (con patate), With Potatoes (Alessandro)
- Al ragu al forno, The one in the oven (Gianfranco)
- Boscaiola, Bruxelles Sprouts etc.
- Peperoni e olive, Peppers and olives
- Tonno e olive, Tuna and olives (Michela)
- Russian, (Eric & Patty)
I hope I didn't forget anybody.
To end with, now that BPW is over, we started to eat pasta again. However, we will try all the (22) pasta-free recipes received from many of you, and will (eventually) elect a winner and a prize. Keep updated !
Let me add to Matteo's report, that this time there were about 35 participants.

Roberto De Prisco | TDS | TOC | Laboratory for Computer Science | MIT
545 Technology Square NE 43-368, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
(Last modified Jan 27, 1996)