The spread diffusion of mobile communication has promoted a large variety of applications among which mobile conferencing, where a group of users have simultaneously a conversation. However, wireless communication is easier to intercept than wired one. Hence, the need for secure communication schemes is demanding. Such an issue is well-studied in Cryptography, but the low-power low-cost and small sized features of mobile devices pose new challenges that must be answered. Nevertheless, a few schemes which deal with the mobile setting have been proposed in the recent years. This paper focuses on an interesting aspect of secure mobile communication: anonymity of users. More precisely, we propose efficient schemes enabling users to communicate anonymously. In these schemes, each user can start a group communication, and his identity, as well as the identities of the other members of the group, are not revealed even if several parties involved in the system collude. We consider two settings and, for each of them, we propose an efficient and secure protocol.